Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Favorite moment of the week so far

#1 Emersyn woke up at 6:30 am Tuesday- too early, I heard her in there yelling "Special Bunny!" She couldn't find it in her bed. I went in and handed her Special Bunny, "Hi Mommy!" she says. Afraid she wouldn't go back to sleep and wake up Ashtyn, I brought her in bed with me, where she promptly fell right asleep. Fast forward 45 minutes. Ashtyn comes in. Too early for me. She climbs in we all rest/sleep/doze until 8. It was sweet, having Emersyn snuggling up on one side of me and Ashtyn on the other. Just trying to soak up those moments.

#2 On my final night check, I come in and find Ashtyn sleeping with The Cat in the Hat open across her chest. She had napped yesterday and couldn't fall asleep so I gave her 4 books to look at until she was sleepy. She made it through 2. Tried to get a picture of her sleeping like that, but couldn't get it very well with the low light. Will have to just be one of those pictures in my head.

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