Friday, March 14, 2008

Race Car Drivers

I tip my hat to the person who invented the grocery store carts that look like kids race cars. What an awesome idea!

I took my girls to the local grocery yesterday to get some things for my wife. I was excited to spend this time with them because I had just got home after 3 days out of town.

This little errand got unexpectedly better when the girls noticed a green "race car" cart. They literally flipped out in their excitement to "drive". It has like heaven on earth to see their glow and hear their giggles. I purposely got lost in the store a couple of times just to savor the moment with them a bit longer.

This is exactly why I avoid bringing the girls gifts when I am away. This run to the store proves that the best gift I could have given them was taking them to the store with me instead of simply picking some things up on my way home. In the long run these girls will hopefully value the time and experiences over the ninja turtles.

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