Monday, November 10, 2008
This Mom's evening...
While feeding Teagan before our dinner tonight the 2 big girls were playing school. Emersyn was the teacher, exept that everything the "teacher" did or said was dictated to her by Ashtyn. "Hold the book like this" "When you are done with the book say this" "No, After you read the book!" "read!" "Now say this" It was so funny and Emersyn did just what Ashtyn told her the teacher should do.
Then a quick diaper change before dinner, egg noddles are almost done. Wait, why is every item of clothing soaked? OF COURSE the diaper would leak through up to her arms right as dinner is ready! Well, quick bath is in order, one less to bathe tomorrow, only slightly over cooked noddles.
Dinner: 2 completely separate and simultaneous conversations with Ash and Em...while holding Teagan... while eating. Everyone loves stronough, seconds for all... and oh, yes, this is why I NEVER broil... things BURN... half the garlic bread saved at the last second. Great conversation though, Ashtyn pointing out that her legs are longer than Emersyn's which is why she has faster super speed, to which Emersyn's answer is "Ashtyn, you're a gooey geiser."
Any finally, after only a small amount of poop in the panties while playing downstairs, it is time for jammies, teeth, books and bed. Dr. Seuss sure writes some toung twisting and long stories.
Now, should anyone wonder why the laundry is not folded please refer to above and note, this is only from 5:30 PM on... we've been up since 7:30 AM!
Smiles and good night.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Scroll Down, more new pictures and post below!

A day in the park...
We were at a great local park, with two other moms friends of mine and their kids. There were also 2 other moms and their kids there. (one of the last hot days of fall) Moms were mingling and when we looked up, not just a few of the kids but all of them had organized a game of ring around the rosy and then duck duck goose. There were leaders, of course, and older kids helping the little ones, and some little ones making up there own rules to the game, but still-- it was 10 kids, several who didn't know each other until that day, having fun, and although they wouldn't know it, enjoying a sense of community. What better a reason to go to the park?
Sing Baby Sing

Hello Candy Face! Little Princess loves her candy.
At a Biggby today, Emersyn was very loudly singing, "Baby Girl, What's your name?" (not the best song choice to teach your kids by the way-- however she does know many others, that just happens to be a favorite!) I said, There are people here working, you have to be quite. To which she said, But I Need To sing!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Teagan's Quote for the Day
- Teagan Gabrielle Ansel (1 month old)
Friday, July 11, 2008
Backyard Camping
I'm taking the girls backyard camping this evening. Ashtyn has made a list of everything that we are going to need to bring outside with up to make our adventure a success. Emersyn is mostly concerned with what snacks we will need. All three of us are excited though and we are expecting a lot of fun. I'll recap all the excitement tomorrow!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Cell Phone Camera
Now that I have figured out how to use my cell phone camera, almost every moment that I'm with these girls seems like a photo opportunity. I can't stop snapping cute shots of my little sweet peas. Thank goodness for this venue to easily share my joy with family and friends.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Baby in Church
I went and got Mer, and she quickly let me know that we forget her special bunny in the car. Well, by all means, we need to go get it then, don't we?
Yah! Emer said.
So we got bunny and went into "Big Church" to catch the rest of the service. Emersyn sat on our laps (Sarah, Dad, and I) and just soaked in the fact that she had scammed her way out of her class. It was the cutest thing to be able to read her looks and know that she felt like she had pulled a fast one on us.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Swim Class Success!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Matching Outfits
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
They both know if they get out of bed and are silly and wild, there will be trouble. But someone must have gotten out of bed to get 2 more books and someone else must have decided it is better not to tell mom that her sister is out of her bed! Which is which, I can only speculate and weigh whether it is worth it to ask Ashtyn in the morning, How did Emersyn get these 2 extra books in her bed? As much as I am curious and really just think its funny and would love to know, this is little secret I will let the sisters have between themselves.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Today's Kid Quote
Yes, I said, really great.
Pictures of swim class coming soon...